Installing LCC and Codeblocks on Windows 10

This page will focus on installing LCC and Code::Blocks.

Installing LCC

Let’s start first with LCC. LCC is a compiler that works with C.

To put it simply, a compiler allows you to dump a bunch of code you have written, whether that be in an IDE or simply Notepad, and turn it into an executable file, something the computer can actually run.

Click here to visit their official website!

Now let’s begin the tutorial on how to install LCC!

  1. Download LCC from their website!
    Scroll down until you see on the left hand side of the page, ‘lcc-win32’ or ‘lcc-win64’. Simply click on one of those links to install LCC. You may choose whether to install the 32-bit or 64-bit version of LCC, depending on your computer.
    However as most computers nowadays use 64-bit, it’s most likely you would choose the 64-bit.
    2016-09-07 (29).png
  2. Install LCC!
    After you have downloaded LCC, install it! Agree to their licence agreement and just keep clicking on Next. Wait until the program finishes installing.

    Congratulations! You have just installed LCC, a compiler useful for your programming journey in Code::Blocks!

Installing Code::Blocks

And now, we move on to Code::Blocks! Code::Blocks is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), a program specifically designed to make your programming life easier.

Click here to visit their official website!

Now, let’s begin the tutorial on how to install Code::Blocks!

  1. Download Code::Blocks from their official website!
    Click on the ‘Downloads’ button under Main on the left side of the screen. Choose ‘Download the binary release’ and then download ‘codeblocks-16.01-setup.exe’ through the FossHub link provided.
  2. Start installing the downloaded setup file! Agree to their licence agreement and move on.
  3. You may choose whether to install Code::Blocks with all of the plugins provided, or you may customize it to suit your needs. If you want to be able to experience everything and see what happens, like me, you can leave it at default and install everything 😀
  4. Congratulations! You have just installed an IDE! You are now on your way to becoming a fantastic programmer :3

    Or are you?

You may not be done yet, young grasshopper…
Once you first start up Code:Blocks, you are shown a list of compilers compatible with Code::Blocks…
Now, if you have installed LCC first, or any of the other compilers listed compatible with Code::Blocks, you should be able to see that compiler as being ‘detected’ by Code::Blocks. You may wish to set that compiler to be your default compiler for Code::Blocks and leave it at that.

However, in the rare case there is no compiler that is detected by Code::Blocks, even though you are sure you have installed a compatible compiler, you may want to visit this page.